Union station in Los Angeles

One cool thing about being a travel blogger is that it forces me to look at things in a different way and explore things I normally wouldn’t. Union Station definitely falls into that category. I have been here before but it has been years and after walking around this lovely place I can’t figure out why in the world this isn’t one of my normal places to see.

The inside of this train station is magnificent, it’s so not what you expect when you walk into a train station, at least in Los Angeles.   Oh, and guess what super smart thing I did? I brought my fancy schmancy camera and was all prepared to take pictures and guess what? I left my SD card in my computer at home. Yeah, I did that. So I had to take all of my pictures with my Samsung Galaxy Note 3. See, even when you are a seasoned traveler you still make mistakes.

There is a lovely restaurant inside Union Station called Traxx that is DELICIOUS and if you haven’t eaten here you need to. I’ve had breakfast and lunch a few times and each time the meal is heavenly.

 There are lots of pics for you to see, I hope you enjoy them.

union station in los angeles

union station in los angeles

union station in los angeles

union station in los angeles

There is tons of seating in this great hall and I love to people watch so this would be an ideal place. Oh, fun L.A. fact: This area is often used in TV shows and movies. I’m sure you have seen someone sitting in these seats or walking through this area in a movie, it is used ALL of the time.

union station in los angeles

union station in los angeles

union station in los angeles

union station in los angeles

union station in los angeles

union station in los angeles

union station in los angeles

union station in los angeles

union station in los angeles

You can catch the train, bus, and metro from Union Station. Los Angeles now has so many ways to get around you don’t have to have a car when you visit.

union station in los angeles

union station in los angeles

I couldn’t get the whole thing in one shot. I wanted you to see the ceiling and all the people coming from the metro.

union station in los angeles

The next few pictures are of the other side of Union Station where people catch the busses.

union station in los angeles

union station in los angeles

union station in los angeles

union station in los angeles

Even the bathroom is decorated! I had to snap this one fast which is why it was blurry because people were looking at me crazy as I was taking the picture. I mean, I can’t blame them because I wasn’t taking a picture of anyone, just pointing and shooting. I’m sure I looked a bit weird.

union station in los angeles

What do you think? Have you been to Union Station?


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  1. I took a train to San Diego a couple of summers ago and was also struck at how gorgeous the building is. I also agree that you see things differently as a travel blogger. I notice things I never would have paid attention to before. My kids do, too. Travel bloggers in training, maybe?

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