If you read this blog regularly you know I have started posting pics and to tell you a little bit about me for Throwback Thursdays,  just so you can get to know me a bit better.

First let me start by saying, I’m sorry this picture isn’t better than it is but as you can see it is very old. Well, not that old because I’m only 28 (hee hee). But I had to take a picture of a picture because I don’t have my old pics digitized. Anyway, that’s me and my dad. We were standing in the driveway of our home in Walnut, California. We lived there until I was 14 and I have so many happy moments from living in Walnut.

I have no idea where we were going or why we were dressed up (check out my dad’s suit, pretty cool, right?) but I do know that I was very happy to be holding my daddy’s hand. My childhood was a very happy one. There was no chaos, no yelling or screaming. The only time things got loud in my house is when the family was over and we were all talking and the kids were playing or when my mother would play her records.

I grew up in a house filled with laughter, love, and lots of music and to this day my home is calm,  comfortable and filled with love. I love the fact that my dad is holding my hand in this picture because this symbolizes what he and my mom have done for me my whole life.

They have always figuratively grabbed a hold of my hand and guided me, helped me find my way in my journey and standing by my side through any decision I have made which made it easy for me to take the first step and move to Spain. They have supported me through all my travel adventures and I am truly grateful for that and their guidance because my parents are very wise.


Is your family supportive of your travels?


Day 14 of NaBloPoMo in done! Are you participating?

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