About an hour ago I was literally sitting in front of my computer trying to figure out what in the world I wanted to blog about. I’m taking care of my niece and nephew and my nephew (who is six) was on the carpet, happily playing with his legos. I was looking through my pictures on my computer and thankfully finally found some pictures that I liked. I started and stopped with a few of those because I just wasn’t feeling like writing about those pictures and I just didn’t know what I was going to do.
A few seconds later I looked out the window and literally screamed, “THOMAS! IT’S SNOWING!” my screaming scared the bajeebes out of him, poor baby. But he wasn’t scared for long because we both got up and ran to the back door so we could see the falling snow. We were so excited! I love snow, I think it’s beautiful and it hasn’t snowed in Charlotte in a long time. And now I have a blog post!
These pictures were taken from the apartment I’m staying in, I looked out the front and back doors to get these. I didn’t veer too far because my 10 month old niece is sleeping so I only shot what I could get from the balcony. I hope you enjoy them because I really loved taking them.