In baggage claim getting my checked bag and trying to get my things together. This is in Bratislava, Slovakia.

Ok, so you may be wondering why there is a picture of me with my computer between my legs. I’ll explain.


Last year I got my computer stolen. Well, in truth I left it on a seat in the airport and when I went back to get it, surprise surprise, it wasn’t there. I was crushed because I had 10,000 pictures on it that I thought had been backed up but hadn’t been. Ugh. Seriously, I was in tears. On top of that  it was an expensive computer that was a gift from my mom so I was doubly upset cause I had managed to lose something my mother bought for me. See, even seasoned travelers make stupid mistakes so don’t feel bad when you do. So, since then I have learned to do this when I am traveling with my computer (which is all the time).

 I normally have my computer in my carry-on bag or a big purse but in the pic above I only had a small purse and a checked bag (yes, I had to check my bag! But I’ll explain why in another post).  And since I would absolutely NEVER check my bag with my computer inside, I keep my computer with me. So, when I am in the terminal or any public place trying to get my things together, I now put my computer between my legs so that I won’t forget it. I don’t lay it on the seat, or on the floor, or anywhere else I could accidentally leave it. Since I won’t start walking with the computer between my legs it’s a way I have found to keep my computer safe when I am trying to get organized.

What do you think? Does that make sense to you?

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  1. Yes, I think we all have little tricks that help us remember things. I always now travel with a bag big enough for my laptop, because i almost always bring it with me.

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