Just recently on my FB Fan Page (have you liked it yet?) a friend of mine asked me about the food so I wanted to show you what lunch in Ghana can look like.
The pic above is Ghanian chicken with rice and a salad which my mother said was absolutely delicious. We ate lunch at the Labadi Beach Hotel which is a five star hotel located right on the beach. The elegance of the lounge is pure class and the woodwork is stellar. We wanted to eat in the Akwaaba Restaurant but it was closed so we ordered from the Terrace menu and dined in the lounge. The Terrace menu was lovely, it had ample selections.
That’s calamari, fries and a side salad.
My mother and I shared a seafood salad. Yummy.
This is a Ghanian version of apple crumble.
Don’t you just love the elegance of the salt and pepper shakers?
Kir Royale and a Bellini. Which one do you think was mine?
The coffee was fabulous (and I’m a huge coffee snob). Are you looking at my mom’s fingernails? She always gets every nail with a design on it.
Check out the dark wood. Not bad, right?
Does it surprise you to see such elegance in Africa? Does the for look good to you?
It doesn’t surprise me; there’s elegance all over Americans are just brainwashed to believe otherwise. What’s a typical Ghanian dish and have you tried it yet?
It doesn’t surprise me; there’s elegance all over Americans are just brainwashed to believe otherwise. What’s a typical Ghanian dish and have you tried it yet?
I tried Fufu, it was delicious!
Of all these pictures, the chicken and rice dish looks the most appetizing. The restaurant has a lovely decor.
The chicken was good and the restaurant is truly elegant. Thanks for commenting!