Can you see the stickers on this bag? I thought that was clever because when this person is waiting for their checked bag on the conveyer belt they will have no problem finding it. You wouldn’t believe how many people pick up the wrong bag when trying to collect their luggage. Many times passengers are tired and irritated and just want to go and don’t really double check that the bag they have taken is indeed theirs. Believe me, I totally understand and since most checked bags are black, people walk off with the wrong bags quite often.

One way to prevent this from happening is by doing like the passenger did in the picture above. And the cool thing about this is you can put any type of stickers you want and as many as you want. I like how this bag has stickers all over the front (I counted 20) so even if a few of them come off, many of them will still be on. What do you think? Pretty cool, no?


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    1. A ribbon is great also, but sometimes those get torn off. Maybe a combination next time you travel? Thanks for commenting!

  1. Love the decal suggestion especially since now a days you can customize your own, picking your size and color. I would do my monogram. They’re inexpensive too!

    1. Thanks! You can get almost anything you want in a hobby or craft store and have a great time. I may put some on my carry-on bag just because they are pretty! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

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