I was given this car to drive for a week while I was in Los Angeles. I did not receive payment to write this post nor was I paid to drive the car.  I was not told what to write (y’all know that isn’t my style).


2015 Sonata Eco
2015 Sonata Eco


My first experience with a Hyundai was when I was in high school. A friend of mine got a brand new one (I think it was a hatchback) and while I was excited that she had a new car, I wasn’t that impressed. Boy oh boy have things changed! For a week I was able to act like I was high faluttin (that’s an official word) while I was driving around Los Angeles in my black 2015 Hyundai Sonata Eco. It was so sleek! When they brought the car out to me I just kept looking at it because I really couldn’t believe how beautiful it was.

2015 Sonata Eco


One of the first things I noticed about the car was how comfortable it was. I drive a compact car with no bells and whistles so being able to drive a car that seemed to have automatic everything was such a treat. From the minute I drove my Hyundai Sonata Eco out of the parking structure I felt regal.  Have you driven a car that just makes you feel good? I definitely felt as beautiful as the car I was driving (and the fact that we were both black was a happy coincidence).



In Los Angeles there are tons of cars everywhere and traffic is a beast. After a few minutes on the freeway I heard this “beep beep beep” and I had no idea what was going on. I thought I had done something wrong so I was looking around the car frantically trying to make sure I hadn’t ruined this car. Turns out it was the car letting me know there was a car too close to me! There is a light that flashes on the side mirrors letting you know someone or something (or maybe you) is too close to the car.


Since I’m a huge coffee drinker I often have coffee in my car and guess what? I don’t like drinking coffee out of a plastic cup. I do it when I have to but when I can have my own mug it taste better to me. So imagine my delight when I got into my car (I mean, into the loaner Hyundai) and my huge Paris coffee mug fit! It’s this kind of attention to detail that made me love this car more and more each day I had it and it seemed like everyday I was finding out some new frill.



Oh! Here is something else I loved. I closed the trunk and about 30 seconds later I heard a beeping and the trunk popped back open. Turns out I didn’t close the truck all the way so there is a safety feature that re-opens the trunk if it hasn’t been properly closed. Pretty fabulous, right?

Check out the pic below. Did you know I speak French? Well I do (I’m pretty Frenchy when I wanna be) and when possible I use navigation systems in cars in French. I LOVE that so much (although wouldn’t it be nice if all navigational systems had deep male voices talking in French? Oui oui!). I drove my car all around the city and surrounding areas so I needed gas half way through the week. I actually didn’t even notice I was almost on E, the car let me know it was time for gas and even asked me if I wanted the system to find the nearest station. In French. Another frill.


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I’ve driven several cars with navigational systems but this was by far one of the easiest ones to figure out and operate. I know Los Angeles pretty well (I was born and raised there) but it was cool to see which exits were coming up on the freeway. Also, the car is synced to Google so I was able to search the things or places I needed then immediately find them with the navigational system.



Any car that has an instruction manual this big with all the features explained clearly has lots to offer.



When my week with my car I mean their car was over I was upset. I didn’t want to give it back. It was so easy to drive and the car felt sturdy yet light at the same time. It’s a long car but it didn’t drive heavy yet I felt extremely safe. Driving this car for a week was all kinds of awesome.


Have you driven a Hyundai?

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