Have you ever heard of Fete De La Musique? It happens every June 21st in many major cities all over the world and the pics below are from Paris. Whether rain or shine (but it’s usually shine, Paris is pretty awesome in June) musicians set up and plays for free. It is basically a day where anyone who has a band, is a dj, plays an instrument or does anything remotely musical can find a spot anywhere in the city and play music. It’s pretty amazing to walk around Paris hearing all different types of music. However, if crowds aren’t your thing then you may want to stay away. As you can see from the pics below, the city is packed with people.
This band set up on a sidewalk. People just stop and listen, some even dance.
Now this DJ was ON FIYAH! I wanted to dance in the street but I was with the wrong people. They weren’t the dancing type and I wasn’t going to dance by myself. I’m independent but I’m not into dancing alone.
Clearly there people were enjoying the music, they were dancing away. So why didn’t I dance with them you may be wondering? Because I can’t dance with people that don’t have rhythm.
The majority of these pics were taken in the Latin Quarter which is where many of the musicians are located.
This is one day when the metro is open 24 hours so you can enjoy all the music the city has to offer without having to worry about getting the last metro home.
There were even people along the Seine.
This band was playing just above the Seine.
There are no age restrictions, anyone who can find a place to play can be a musician for the moment. The guitar looks bigger than him!
Have you ever been to anything similar?
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