
I am constantly looking for better ways to carry toiletries on a plane. I shop for carry-on bags and accessories like most women shop for shoes and clothes.  I was on Etsy one day and I came across a Flanabag and the owner, Linda, was kind enough to send me one. She sent me a blue Flanabag last summer and I have been using it on every trip I have gone (which is about 10) on since and I love it.

toiletries on plane

I can carry all that I need for a trip. The bag is durable, pretty and it’s easy to carry around with the handle if I need to make a quick trip to the restroom. There are no downsides to this bag and if you like to take your toiletries in your carry-on bag as I do, this will work perfectly for you.


Do you pack toiletries in your carry-on? What are some of the toiletries you can’t travel without?

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  1. Lotion/vaseline, toothpaste and Dove are the three main toiletries that I always make sure to keep in my carry-on or my purse. I have sensitive skin and always make sure to keep my Dove handy. I don’t want to be having breakouts using hotel soaps and lotions or worst having to hunt some down instead of enjoying my trip.

  2. Lush has a body butter that is in a tin-I like the tin for traveling. There is always moisturizer, a little vaseline for overnight flights so I do not get stuffed, eye drops and pepto bismal.

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