
When I had to fly up to Chicago for a night a few months ago I didn’t want to pay tons for a hotel and I didn’t need a full apartment so I rented a room in someone’s home through Airbnb. It was a wonderful way to spend a night.


I wasn’t in the center of Chicago but the area I was in (I can’t remember for the life of me where) was filled with restaurants, cafes, shops, and even a place where my hostess recommended I get a massage (THAT was such a treat!). My room had a balcony with its own entrance and I also had my own bathroom.


The room even had a little desk filled with tons of tourist info that was so helpful. I had access to their kitchen and the rest of their home but I didn’t spend any time in the living room. Although it’s beautiful, don’t you think?



In the morning my hosts made sure I had plenty to choose from for breakfast which was a nice treat. The night before I was served tea while laying in bed reading. What a nice treat, don’t you think?


I don’t think the rental was even $70 for the night and there is no way I could have gotten a hotel room for that price. Airbnb is a great way to save money while traveling and sometimes you end up getting to have interesting conversations with the owners. I didn’t speak much to the husband but his wife and I chatted for a while. So not only did I get a great place to stay for a reasonable price I met some cool people.


Would you stay in someone’s house you didn’t know? 

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