I was given this Kia Sorrento for a week by DriveShop in exchange for a blog post. I tried to get them to let me have it forever but they wouldn’t go for that. So even though I’m bitter I couldn’t keep it I still wrote the post, all words and opinions are mine, I followed no script.

It’s official. I am spoiled. Ok…that has been official for a while but I’m specifically talking about all of these fabulous cars I’ve been given to drive. For a week at a time I’m given a brand new car to drive and write about and the week I had the 2016 Kia Sorento SXL V6 I was in car heaven. Have you been there? It’s the place you go when you are driving a car that doesn’t belong to you and you can’t get arrested for theft.

One of the things I liked about it was it was high enough off the ground that I felt like I was in an SUV but not so high that I needed a ladder to get into it. I have gotten accustomed to having a navigational system speaking to me in French, that seems to come standard on these new cars.
What I wasn’t expecting was the fact that when I started to park or back up the top camera gave me an aerial view. Yep, an aerial view of my Kia while I was parking so I could make sure I was within the lines and that nothing was in my way. How cool is that? I have never seen a car do that and it was extremely impressive.
The Kia is also extremely roomy. I went to Target (surprise, surprise) and had tons of bags in the back. They all fit easily and were easy to get to (please don’t talk about my horrible stacking, shameful for a baggage handler who organizes bags for a living!). To make getting into the trunk there was a button on the handle that when I pushed it the trunk automatically opened. There was also a button on the inside top of the back door that did the same thing.
When I was in the Target parking lot and started backing up my Kia started beeping like crazy so I stopped. When I turned around I saw two cars behind me that had gotten into a slight fender bender. My Kia Sorento stopped me from getting into an accident!
The ride was smooth and it made dealing with LA traffic bearable. Oh! I almost forgot to tell you about the sound system. Maaaaaaannnn…I was rockin’ out! The sound system didn’t lose any clarity as it got louder which for those of us that love loud music is an extra bonus.

One of the best things about this SUV was the sunroof. It was literally as long as the top of the car. I had NEVER seen a car or SUV that had a sun roof that was that large.
And it passed the coffee mug test! I love drinking out of an actual coffee mug and not a travel mug so I love that my mug fit!
This is how cute the Kia is, perfect strangers take pictures of it! This lady was taking a picture of it because she thought it was perfect for her child and she wanted to take a picture in order to show it to her.
It’s simply a great SUV, I think you’d enjoy driving it.